
List of publications from the Redish Lab: last updated on 16 September 2024.





  • C. Shen, O. L. Calvin, E. Rawls, A. D. Redish, S. R. Sponheim (2023) Clarifying Cognitive Control Deficits in Psychosis via Drift Diffusion Modeling.  medRxiv;
  • U. Mugan, S. Amemiya, P. S. Regier, A. D. Redish (2023) Navigation through the complex world -- the neurophysiology of decision-making processes. arXiv 2306:03162;
  • D. Surinach, M.L Rynes, K. Saxena, E. Ko, A. D. Redish, S. B. Kodandaramaiah (2023) Distinct mesoscale cortical dynamics encode search strategies during spatial navigation. bioRxiv 2023.03.27.534480; doi:
  • S. Kalhan, M.I. Garrido, R. Hester, A.D. Redish (2023) Reward prediction-errors weighted by cue salience produces addictive behaviors in simulations, with asymmetrical learning and steeper delay discounting. bioRxiv 2023.03.19.533364; doi:






  • D. Levenstein, V. A. Alvarez, A. Amarasingham, H. Azab, R. C. Gerkin, A. Hasenstaub, R. Iyer, R. B. Jolivet, S. Marzen, J. D. Monaco, A. A. Prinz, S. Quraishi, F. Santamaria, S. Shivkumar, M. F. Singh, D. B. Stockton, R. Traub, H. G. Rotstein, F. Nadim, A. D. Redish (2020) On the role of theory and modeling in neuroscience. arXivUnreviewed preprint.





From Computational Psychiatry: New Perspectives on Mental Illness

  • J. A. Gordon, A. D. Redish (2016) “On the cusp: Current Challenges and Promises in Psychiatry” in Computational Psychiatry: New Perspectives on Mental Illness” Redish and Gordon (eds), Strüngmann Forum Reports, vol. 20, series ed. J. Lupp. Cambridge MA: MIT Press, Chapter 1, pages 3-14. [PDF]
  • A. D. Redish, J. A. Gordon (2016) “Breakdowns and failure modes: An Engineer’s View” in Computational Psychiatry: New Perspectives on Mental Illness” Redish and Gordon (eds), Strüngmann Forum Reports, vol. 20, series ed. J. Lupp. Cambridge MA: MIT Press, Chapter 2, pages 15-29. [PDF]
  • S. B. Flagel, D. S. Pine, S. E. Ahmari, M. B. First, K. J. Friston, C. Mathys, A. D. Redish, K. Schmack, J. W. Smoller, A. Thapar (2016) “A Novel Framework for Improving Psychiatric Diagnostic Nosology” in Computational Psychiatry: New Perspectives on Mental Illness” Redish and Gordon (eds), Strüngmann Forum Reports, vol. 20, series ed. J. Lupp. Cambridge MA: MIT Press, Chapter 10, pages 169-199. [PDF]
  • A. D. Redish, J. A. Gordon (2016) “From Psychiatry to Computation and Back Again” in Computational Psychiatry: New Perspectives on Mental Illness” Redish and Gordon (eds), Strüngmann Forum Reports, vol. 20, series ed. J. Lupp. Cambridge MA: MIT Press, Chapter 17, pages 319-329. [PDF]











  • J.C. Jackson, A. Johnson, A.D. Redish (2006) “Hippocampal sharp waves and reactivation during awake states depend on repeated sequential experienceJournal of Neuroscience 26:12415-12426. [PDF]
  • J. Parthasarathy, J. Hogenson, A.G. Erdman, A.D. Redish, B. Ziaie (2006) “Battery-operated High-bandwidth Multi-channel Wireless Neural Recording System using 802.11b” 28th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference. 1:5989-5992. [PDF]
  • J. Parthasarathy, A.G. Erdman, A.D. Redish, B. Ziaie (2006) “An Integrated CMOS Bio-potential Amplifier with a Feed-Forward DC Cancellation topology” 28th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference. 1:2974-2977. [PDF]




  • J.C. Jackson, A.D. Redish (2003) “Detecting dynamical changes within a simulated neural ensemble using a measure of representational qualityNetwork: Computation in Neural Systems, 14:629-645. [PDF]
  • B. Masimore, J. Kakalios, A. D. Redish (2003) “Measuring neural coupling from non-Gaussian power spectra of voltage traces taken from awake, behaving animals”, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 5110, Fluctuations and Noise in Biological, Biophysical, and Biomedical Systems, edited by Sergey M. Bezrukov, Hans Frauenfelder and Frank Moss. (SPIE, Bellingham, WA), pages 224-234.



PhD Dissertations


From previous labs…

  • E. S. Rosenzweig, A. D. Redish, B. L. McNaughton, C. A. Barnes (2003) “Hippocampal map realignment and spatial learning”, Nature Neuroscience, 6(6):609-615. [PDF]
  • A. D. Redish, F.P. Battaglia, M.K. Chawla, A.D. Ekstrom, J.L. Gerrard, P. Lipa, E.S. Rosenzweig, P.F. Worley, J.F. Guzowski, B.L. McNaughton, C.A. Barnes (2001) “Hippocampal pyramidal cells located near each other anatomically do not show related spatial firing correlates”, Journal of Neuroscience 21(RC134):1-6. [PDF]
  • A. D. Redish, E. S. Rosenzweig, J. D. Bohanick, B. L. McNaughton, C. A. Barnes (2000) “Hippocampal ensemble activity realignment: Time vs. space”, Journal of Neuroscience, 20(24):9289-9309. [PDF]
  • A. D. Redish, B. L. McNaughton, C. A. Barnes (2000) “Place cell firing shows an inertia-like process”, Neurocomputing, 32–33: 235–241. [PDF]
  • J. P. Goodridge, A. D. Redish , and D. S. Touretzky (1999) “A model of the rodent head direction system that accounts for unique properties of anterior thalamic head direction cells”, Neurocomputing 26–27(1–3):705-711.
  • A.D. Redish, D.S. Touretzky (1999) “Separating Hippocampal Maps”, Spatial Functions of the Hippocampal Formation and the Parietal Cortex, edited by N. Burgess, K. Jeffery, and J. O’Keefe, Oxford University Press, Chapter 11, pages 203-219 [PDF]
  • A. D. Redish, B. L. McNaughton, and C. A. Barnes (1998) “Reconciling Barnes et al. (1997) and Tanila et al. (1997a, 1997b)”, Hippocampus 8(5): 438-443.
  • A. D. Redish and D.S. Touretzky (1998) “The Role of the Hippocampus in Solving the Morris Water Maze”, Neural Computation 10(1): 73-112. [PDF]
  • M.C. Fuhs, A.D. Redish, and D.S. Touretzky (1998) “A Visually Driven Hippocampal Model”, Computational Neuroscience: Trends in Research, edited by J. M. Bower, Kluwer Academic Press.
  • A.D. Redish and D.S. Touretzky (1998) “The Role of the Hippocampus in Solving the Morris Water Maze”, Computational Neuroscience: Trends in Research, edited by J. M. Bower, Kluwer Academic Press.
  • A. D. Redish and D.S. Touretzky (1997) “Cognitive Maps beyond the Hippocampus”, Hippocampus. 7(1): 15-35. [PDF]
  • A.N. Elga, A.D. Redish, and D.S. Touretzky (1997) “A Model of the Rodent Head Direction System”, Computational Neuroscience: Trends in Research, edited by J. M. Bower, Kluwer Academic Press
  • A.D. Redish, D.S. Touretzky (1997) “Computing Goal Locations from Place Codes”, in Symbolic Visual Learning, Katsu Ikeuchi and Manuela Veloso eds., Oxford University Press, Chapter 12 , pages 325-351. [PDF]
  • A. D. Redish, A.N. Elga, and D.S. Touretzky (1996) “A Coupled Attractor Model of the Rodent Head Direction System”, Network: computation in neural systems. 7(4):671‑685. [PDF]
  • D. S. Touretzky, A..D. Redish (1996) “A Theory of Rodent Navigation Based on Interacting Representations of Space”, Hippocampus 6(3): 247-270. [PDF]
  • A.D. Redish, D.S. Touretzky (1996) “Modeling Interactions of the Rat's Place and Head Direction Systems”, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 8, D. S. Touretzky, M. C.. Mozer and M. E.. Hasselmo, eds., MIT Press, pages 61-67. [PDF]
  • A. D. Redish, D.S. Touretzky (1994) “The Reaching Task: Evidence for vector subtraction in the motor systemBiological Cybernetics 71(4): 307-317.
  • D.S. Touretzky, A.D. Redish, and H.S. Wan (1993) “Neural Representation of Space Using Sinusoidal Arrays”, Neural Computation, 5(6): 869-884. [PDF]
  • D. S. Touretzky, A. D. Redish (1995) “Landmark Arrays and the Hippocampal Cognitive Map”, Current trends in connectionism - Proceedings of the 1995 Swedish Conference on Connectionism, L. Niklasson and M. Boden eds., pp 1-13, Lawrence Erlbaum. [PDF]
  • A. D. Redish, D. S. Touretzky, H. S. Wan (1994) “The Sinusoidal Array: A Theory of Representation for Spatial Vectors”, Computation in Neurons and Neural Systems, F. H. Eeckman, ed., pp. 269-275, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • D. S. Touretzky, H. S. Wan, A. D. Redish (1994) “Neural representations of space in rats and robots”, Computational Intelligence: Imitating Life, J. M. Zurada, R. J. Marks II, and C. J. Robinson eds., pp. 57-68, IEEE Press. [PDF]
  • H. S. Wan, D. S. Touretzky, A. D. Redish (1994) “Computing Goal Locations from Place Codes”, Proceedings of the 16th annual conference of the Cognitive Science society, pp 922-927, Lawrence Earlbaum Associates.
  • H. S. Wan, D. S. Touretzky, A. D. Redish (1993) “Towards a Computational Theory of Rat Navigation”, Proceedings of the 1993 Connectionist Models Summer School, M. Mozer, P. Smolensky, D. Touretzky, J. Elman, and A. Weigerd, eds., pp 11-19, Lawrence Earlbaum Associates. [PDF]